The Zero Waste Coffee Project

Circularity in coffee - my experience as a panel discussant at World of Coffee 2024. Giulia Marchetti, Connecting Grounds, Denmark

Participants of the Green Coffee Connect lectures at the World of Coffee 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark


The World of Coffee 2024 in Copenhagen was a highly anticipated event for coffee enthusiasts, industry professionals, and connoisseurs alike. Held from June 27th to June 29th, this year’s event brought together the best in the coffee business from around the globe. I had the honor of participating as a panel discussant at the "Green Coffee Connect "session on Thursday, June 27th, representing Connecting Grounds, a startup based in Aarhus that upcycles spent coffee grounds into a baking ingredient: Coffee Base.

It was an enriching experience, filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and the chance to contributeto the future of sustainable coffee.

Arrival and Atmosphere

Copenhagen, with its blend of modernity and historic charm, provided a stunning backdrop for the event. The venue was buzzing with energy, adorned with booths showcasing the latest in coffee technology, sustainable practices, and innovative products. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, adding to the excitement.

The Green Coffee Connect Session

Green Coffee Connect is a vital initiative that brings together stakeholders from across the coffee supply chain to discuss sustainable practices and innovations in green coffee. This year’s session was particularly focused on regenerative agriculture, circular economy and the challenges and opportunities in sustainable sourcing, climate change adaptation, and fostering transparency and equity within the supply chain.

As a panelist, I was joined by esteemed colleagues from coffee producers, no-profit organizations,coffee importers and sustainability experts.

  • Kasper Hulsen from Slow Forest shared insights on how his company is implementing regenerative agricultural practices, by starting from the health of the soil, using no middle man, and helping coffee farmers.
  • Dario Toso of Lavazza Group and C4CEC highlighted what C4CEC is doing as a center for circularity in coffee.
  • Lasse Grosen from Damn Good Coffee discussed how his company is pioneering innovative methods to integrate circular economy principles into their business model. He touched on the Circular Collection, a collection that offers products made from upcycled spent coffee grounds (furniture, soaps etc.).
  • Giulia Francesca Marchetti, myself, co-founder of Connecting Grounds. I talked about how we implement circular economy principles in our business to inspire others to adopt similar methods.

Key Discussions

1.   Regenerative agriculture and why it is needed,

2.   Circular Economy practices and challenges by sharing practical examples,

3.   The challenges and opportunities in connection withhow we are doing coffee today, for the coffee of tomorrow.

Networking and Insights

The Green Coffee Connect session was followed by a networking event, providing an opportunity to connect with other industry professionals. I had enlightening conversations with coffee producers from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, learning about their unique challenges and success stories. These interactions underscored the importance of global collaboration in addressing the issues facing the coffee industry.


Participating in the World of Coffee 2024 as a panelist was a humbling and inspiring experience. It reinforced my belief in the powerof collaboration and innovation in driving sustainable change. The insights gained and the connections made will undoubtedly enrich Green Coffee Connect’s future projects and initiatives.


The World of Coffee 2024 in Copenhagen was a testament to the vibrancy and resilience of the coffee industry. It was an honor to represent Connecting Grounds and contribute to the critical conversations shaping the future of coffee. I left Copenhagen with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism, ready to continue advocating for sustainable practices and supporting the coffee communities worldwide.

For those who couldn’t attend, I highly recommend keeping an eye on the outcomes and follow-up initiatives from this year’s event. Together, we can make a significant impact on the future of coffee, ensuring it remains a thriving and sustainable industry for generations to come.

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